Covered Bridge Potato Chips

Covered Bridge Potato Chips


Bet you can’t eat just one! Continuing a farming tradition in its fourth generation, brothers Matthew and Ryan Albright own Covered Bridge Potato Chip Company in Hartland, NB. Matthew grows the potatoes as well as other crops, and Ryan manages the chip company, which began producing its fabulous line of snacks in 2008. The company employs about 100 people at peak production time, and offers guided tours of its facility where visitors can watch the magic happen.

Covered Bridge uses dark Russet potatoes, which give their chips their dark golden colour. They are also certified gluten free—while potatoes are always free of gluten, many seasonings used are not, but Covered Bridge’s products are free of cholesterol, transfats, preservatives and gluten.

The Covered Bridge team is excited to be returning to Expo again this year, and will be introducing the latest flavour to their line of potato chips—sour cream and onion! Mmmm…pass the dip, please!